SOLARCOSMachinery, s.r.o.
Plant/Invoice Address
Ovcary – Industrial Zone 293
280 02 Kolin, Czech Republic
VAT: CZ02314711 |
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri 7:00-15:00 |
tel: +420 321 734 920
Departmento de Vendas
Sales International
mob: +420 702 004 130
tel: +420 321 734 923
Sales CZ and SK
tel: +420 321 734 923
Accountant and Invoicing
tel: +420 321 734 936
email: fakturace @ |
Spare Parts
mob: +420 702 004 138
tel: +420 321 734 924
Technical Support
tel: +420 321 734 923
Backoffice and EU Funds
tel: +420 321 734 920
Sales Agents and Offices
UK / Ireland
USA / Canada
Australia / New Zealand
South America / Asia / Africa
Baltic Countries
Dunovskis SIA
tel.: +37 129 463 016 |
Scandinavian Countries